Pre-Listing Inspection

Plan to sell your home with a Pre-Listing Inspection and help sell your home faster and for more money.   The more you know about your home, the more prepared you will be for negotiation.  See our About Home Inspections overview for more details.


Why are so many sellers having their house inspected before they have a buyer?

  • A Pre-Listing Inspection will help sell homes faster and for more money
  • Help to accurately price your home, reducing time on market
  • Highlight positive aspects of a home for added selling points
  • Prevent unexpected issues from delaying or derailing a sale
  • Provide time to hire contractors for repairs or estimates
  • Encourage buyer to waive inspection contingency
  • Stand out among other properties due to professional reports
  • Add professional documentation to the disclosure statements

Home Inspection – We know real estate from the ground up!